Martes, 18 de enero de 2022

Economía Internacional

Bolivia: DEA investiga a dos exjefes antidroga de Evo – Los Tiempos
Bolivia: Reservas cierran con caída de $us 524 MM en 2021 – Página Siete
Chile: ¿Qué productos subirán más sus precios en los siguientes meses? – Bloomberg
Argentina: Por qué el ajuste es un sacrilegio para los políticos – Roberto Cachanosky
Venezuela: Revocatorio contra Nicolás Maduro en puertas – Bloomberg
España: Cinismo fiscal – Juan Ramón Rallo
Italy has quietly become one of Big Tech’s most prolific antagonists – CNBC
Australia’s Government Is From the Dark Ages – Simon Black
We Are All Djokovic, Now! – Tom Luongo
The Monumental Sacrifice of Novak Djokovic – Stacey Rudin
Australia Is A Mess, But Who Cares? – Derek Hunter
CDC finally admits its messaging is a mess – Fox Business
Adiós a la orden de vacunación – Dinesh D’Souza
Dismiss the Self-Serious Experts, Growth Is About Falling Prices – John Tamny
President Biden Is Out Of Touch With Reality On Inflation – Issues & Insights
Taleb compared bitcoin to a disease, and warned it was worthless – Business Insider
Surging Bond Yields Send Nasdaq Futures Tumbling – Bloomberg
10-year Treasury yield trades around 1.81% after hitting 2-year high – CNBC
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink says stakeholder capitalism is not ‘woke’ – CNBC
BlackRock’s Larry Fink backs oil and gas – Financial Review
Hedge fund manager says Ark ETF stocks are a potential ‘time bomb’ – CNBC
Xi ups the pressure on US Fed with interest rate call – Financial Review
Chamath Palihapitiya says ‘nobody cares’ about Uyghur genocide in China – CNBC
La economía china en 2022: ¿Un dragón de papel quemándose?
– James Gorrie
Oil Jumps to 7-Year Highs Amid Supply Concerns and Drone Strikes – Barron’s
Remember US Energy Independence Day? – Stephen Moore
China Is Chipping Away At America’s Influence In The Middle East – Simon Watkins
Unpredictable Things That May Or May Not Happen In 2022 – Bill Blain
Jeremy Grantham sees an epic market bubble and expects a historic crash – Business Insider
Our financial bubble is going to burst – Peter Schiff

Wealth Management

What A World – Morgan Housel
Tesla: Cathie Wood Keeps Selling – Bill Maurer
The CAPE Ratio Isn’t What You Think It Is – Sam Ro
Italian politics (and bonds) at the crossroads – Pictet WM
Markets Signal Strong Growth Now, Weak Growth Later – Jerry Bowyer
Financial Resolutions Every Investor Should Carry Out – Catherine Brock
Actualización mensual de estrategia – Crèdit Andorrà Asset Management
Daniel Lacalle: “la inflación no es una casualidad, y podría alargarse” – El Economista