Martes, 25 de julio de 2023

Economía Internacional

Bolivia: Caso Fassil se va a La Paz por “contaminación” en Santa Cruz – El Deber
Bolivia: Deuda pública excedió al menos tres umbrales de sostenibilidad – El Deber
How fentanyl changed the game for Mexico’s drug cartels – Financial Times
FMI mejora previsión para Latinoamérica por empuje de Mexico y Brasil
¿Cómo funcionan los distintos sistemas pensionales de América Latina? – Bloomberg
Argentina: Inflación y régimen cambiario – Emilio Ocampo
Argentina: Pensamiento económico de Cristina explica decadencia del país – R. Cachanosky
Brazil’s Inflation Eases Again Ahead of Expected August Interest Rate Cut
– Bloomberg
FMI: El mundo crecerá algo más de lo esperado pero aún de forma “débil” – EFE
Stock futures steady as Microsoft, Alphabet earnings loom – Yahoo Finance
EEUU: Economistas prevén probabilidad de 50% o menos de recesión – Bloomberg
Cracks Inside the Fed Deepen at Crucial Moment in Inflation Fight – Bloomberg
FedNow Isn’t a CBDC, but It Is Dangerous – David Brady, Jr.
Price Inflation Slowed to 3 Percent. That’s Still Far Too High – Daniel Lacalle
Have We Been Looking At The Wrong Yield Curve? – Simon White
US Home Prices Jumped By Most In A Year In May, Case-Shiller Data Shows – Zero Hedge
The Soft Landing Charade – Quoth The Raven
ECB under pressure to signal end of rate rises after fall in loan demand – Financial Times
España: el FMI dispara el PIB un 2,5% gracias al turismo – El Economista
Alemania hace un potente ajuste fiscal y recortes para reducir su déficit – El Economista
China’s ‘Dovish’ Politburo Flags Rate Cuts, Property Easing
– Bloomberg
What China’s economic measures mean in practice – Financial Times
What new norm of slower Chinese growth could mean for the global economy – CNBC
China Names Pan Gongsheng as New Central Bank Governor to Revive Economy
– Bloomberg

Wealth Management

The loser has won – Pictet WM
Carta trimestral 2T23 – Horos AM
Rich and Anonymous – Morgan Housel
How to Invest Like the 1% – Ben Carlson
Análisis de mercados (Julio 2023) – Trea AM
Warren Buffett Lifts Fossil Fuel Bets
– Bloomberg
The Tech Rally’s Next Big Test Is Earnings – Eric J. Savitz
ETF sobre Bitcoin: estado de la situación – Morningstar
How Soft Landing Talk Colors Skeptical Sentiment – Market Minder
Why You Should Expect Tough Talk Out of the Fed Meeting – Tom Lauricella
Lanzamos la cartera 100% Renta Variable de fondos indexados – Kevin Koh Maier
Latest global data paints even uglier picture of substantial deterioration and deflation – Jeff Snider