Jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2023

Economía Internacional

Bolivia: Bancos proveen dólares más caros al mercado negro: Silva – ANF
Bolivia: La inflación interanual se ubica en 2,08% en octubre – Bloomberg
En este momento no se puede hacer negocios en Argentina – Kupperman
Cómo los argentinos perdieron su fe en el intervencionismo estatal – R. Zitelmann
Massa vs Milei: stark presidential choice alarms Argentina business leaders – FT
Brasil: Senado aprueba reforma fiscal que simplifica sistema tributario – EFE
Colombia: Inflación interanual cae por séptimo mes: 10,48 % en octubre – Valora
Colombia: Hacienda prevé que Fitch Ratings mantenga calificación – Valora
México: Moody’s eleva su pronóstico de crecimiento al 3,5% – EFE
Big media stocks cheer tentative end to actor strike – Reuters
Oil at $100 a barrel is looking less likely after all – Bloomberg
Saudi Energy Minister Blames Speculators for Oil Price Drop
– Bloomberg
Oil Slips Below $80 Amid Economic Concerns, Sufficient Supply
– Bloomberg
The Fed Is Running Losses. Does This Cost Anyone Anything? – Jane L. Johnson
Is The Worst Over For The Banks? – Alexandra Scaggs
There’s No Easy Way Out of This Debt Spiral – Ryan McMaken
Economic Data to Misunderstand the Economy – Robert Aro
Raymond James CEO sees a soft landing ahead – Yahoo Finance
Markets Price an End to Interest-Rate Hikes Across the World
– Bloomberg
It’s Not Collapsing, but Airbnb Is Facing An Existential Questioning – Whizy Kim
Disney Is In Trouble. The Big Problems Iger Has To Solve – Samantha Delouya
What If We Went Back To A Fossil-Fuel-Free Society Like The 1800s? – Stein and Lasee
Sánchez set to retain power in Spain after amnesty deal with Catalan separatists – FT
España: Fecha para investidura de Sánchez será 15 y 16 de noviembre – El Economista
Bank of France Sees Economy Sustaining Growth in Fourth Quarter
– Bloomberg
ECB Won’t Hike Rates Again, Barring Shocks, Villeroy Says
– Bloomberg
Todo lo que tienes que saber del euro digital antes de poder usarlo – El Economista
Russia’s war economy leaves businesses starved of labour – Financial Times
China And India Challenge EU Over New Carbon Tax – Metal Miner
China Vuelve A Caer En Deflación En Octubre – Barron’s
Precios al consumidor en China caen más que lo esperado
– Reuters
China’s economy falls back into deflation in blow to recovery – Financial Times
Can Japan ever pass the ‘Buffett horizon’? – Leo Lewis

Wealth Management

The Housing Market Is Terrible – Jared Dillian
Give King Dollar The Benefit Of The Doubt – Ian Culley
The FOMC Was Right to Not Hike – Alexander W. Salter
The best investment for the next 20 years – Yahoo Finance
Murphy on “The Coming Displacement of the Dollar” – Bob Murphy
Buffett, Berkshire Eviscerate ‘Money Multiplier’ Myth – John Tamny
Why a New AI Chatbot May Be Ushering In Nvidia’s End – Luke Lango
This Bond Fund Is a New Cult Hero. It Has Billions Flowing In – Barron’s
Look After the Pennies, and the Pounds Will Take Care – Stephen McBride
What the Interest In Treasury Minutiae Says Abt. Sentiment – Market Minder
Black Swan Fund Spitznagel Says Start Worrying When Fed Cuts Rates – Bloomberg
Rothbard: Understanding the History of Banking from an Austrian Perspective – JHS
Olvide EEUU y Europa y mire a Japón: su bolsa es mucho más atractiva – Bolsamanía
La inflación o cómo los economistas han olvidado la media aritmética – Víctor Alvargonzález