Miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2024

Economía Internacional

Slovakia’s Populist Prime Minister Robert Fico Has Been Shot – Zero Hedge
Argentina Monthly Inflation Cooled for Fourth Straight Month – Bloomberg
Argentina: BCRA volvió a bajar la tasa de política monetaria: 40% – Bloomberg
Brasil: El Banco Central está comprometido con inflación del 3% – Reuters
Brasil: Banco Central prevé tasas más restrictivas tras votación dividida – Bloomberg
Petrobras shares plunge as Brazil’s Lula swaps CEO – Reuters
México: El repentino freno económico – Manuel Sánchez González
U.S. Consumer prices rose 0.3% in April, less than expectations – CNBC
US inflation falls to 3.4% in April – Financial Times
US Core CPI Cools for First Time in Six Months in Relief for Fed – Bloomberg
EEUU: La inflación se modera al 3,4% en abril: la subyacente cae al 3,6% – Bolsamanía
Los precios al consumidor en EEUU suben menos de lo esperado en abril – Reuters
CPI data: Is the economy headed for disinflation or stagflation? – Yahoo Finance
JPMorgan gives a lift to another troubled regional bank – Yahoo Finance
Why Trump Is Winning the ‘Are You Better Off’ Argument – Conn Carroll
The Free Market’s Most Amazing Graph – Mark Skousen
Orwell’s America – Douglas French
For a Free Society: A conversation with Vernon L. Smith – National Review
Jamie Dimon urges the U.S. to deal with its deficit sooner rather than later – CNBC
Hard Economic Lessons From Post-WWI Germany – Richard Rahn
Voters Won’t Like Biden’s Plans To Raise Taxes On Rich – Nicole Russell
Why Biden’s Tariffs Are A Bad Idea – Eric Boehm
Why Is Biden Blocking Cheapest, Most Popular EVs In World? – Dylan Matthews
Bajarán tipos si se mantiene confianza en moderación de precios: Rehn – Reuters
Eurozone inflation to fall faster than expected, EU says – Financial Times
China-Russia: an economic ‘friendship’ that could rattle the world – FT

Wealth Management

Is The Fed Manipulating the Market? – Bryan Cutsinger 
Investors Aren’t Worrying About The Dollar – Ian Culley
El cambio de tasa más esperado y que nadie vio – Víctor Carmi
GameStop is Breaking the Stock Market… Again – New Money
Bridgewater’s CEO Warns Investors on Overconfidence – Bloomberg
Why Stocks Surging Despite ‘Worrisome’ Inflation Report – Luke Lango
Los family offices ponen el foco en los activos alternativos – JP Morgan
Lo mejor es combinar fondos indexados con clases limpias – Víctor Alvargonzález
¿Por qué el Gobierno no quiere movimientos corporativos como el de BBVA y Sabadell? – Guillermo Santos Aramburo