Jueves, 25 de julio de 2024

Economía Internacional

Bolivia en crisis energética – Álvaro Ríos
Bolivia: Transportistas en emergencia nacional por escasez de diésel – ANF
Bolivia: Devaluación genera escasez de insumos médicos y medicamentos – ANF
Rusia envía combustible a Bolivia y aumenta ventas en Latinoamérica – MarketsScreener
Russia ships fuel to Bolivia as it increases Latin American sales – Reuters
Argentina: Brecha cambiaria supera el 40% pese a inicio de fase 2 – Infobae
US Continuing Jobless Claims Hover At 32-Month Highs – Zero Hedge
U.S. grew at a 2.8% pace in the second quarter, much more than expected – CNBC
US economy grew at 2.8% rate in second quarter – Financial Times
Q2 GDP Unexpectedly Soars To 2.8%, Crushing Estimates As Core PCE Prints Hot – ZH
‘We Are Bankrupt’: U.S. Debt Crisis, Secret Service Failure, ‘Judicial Coup’ – Ron Paul
Adam Smith & Friends Saw a Future of Commerce – Samuel Gregg
On Our ‘Trade Deficit’ With China – Donald Boudreaux
Virtues of Social Market Order: ‘Abundance, Generosity, and the State’ – Joakim Book
Revolut clinches UK banking license, ending three-year wait – CNBC
El clima empresarial de Alemania se desploma – El Economista
Eurozona: La recuperación flojea y apoya recorte del BCE en septiembre – El Economista
China to use ultra-long bonds to boost consumption amid retail sales slump – CNBC

Wealth Management

The Death of Stock Picking – Bill Smead
Steeper Yield Curve Coming? – Torsten Sløk
Goldman Sachs: Time To Hedge? – Portfolio Armor
Wall Street’s latest poison: Leveraged ETFs – Douglas French
You Won’t Believe What Just Happened To Bonds – Jeff Snider
Investors Look For Guidance For First Rate Cut — DiMartino Booth
Small caps could rise more than 15% in August – Fundstrat’s Tom Lee
A Cyclical Choice: Nature’s Money vs. Man-Made Disasters – GoldSwitzerland
Eureka! The Missing Link Between Micro and Macro Revealed! – Mark Skousen
La victoria de Trump traerá los clichés más alocados a Wall Street – Víctor Alvargonzález
Los fondos de ‘small caps’ americanas duplican su rentabilidad en el año – El Economista
“All Hell Breaks Loose” (In the Next Few Months) says FED Insider – Danielle DiMartino Booth
The real impact of the Fed’s recent policy decisions on your money – Nomi Prins & DiMartino Booth