Martes, 2 de julio de 2024

Economía Internacional

Argentina: El del viernes fue un mal anuncio, dijo Spotorno – Infobae
Argentina: Reacción negativa de mercados tras anuncios de Caputo – Infobae
Argentina: Cavallo pidió acelerar salida del cepo y devaluación – Infobae
Bolivia: crece el malestar por la escasez de combustible y dólares – AFP
YPFB avaló certificación de reservas de gas el 20 de junio de 2024 – LT
Inversión extranjera en Chile: las cifras hablan – Karla Flores
Perú: Una amenaza a la independencia del Banco Central – Iván Alonso
US futures slip back with jobs data front of mind – Yahoo Finance
Why stocks are looking bullish for July — and maybe beyond – Yahoo Finance
Is High-Inflation Finally Behind Us? – Wolf Richter
How the ‘strong’ US economy feels for poorer Americans, in five charts – FT
Corporations Have Already Paid Huge Taxes. Bring Rate to Zero – John Tamny
With Chevron Overturned, Faith In Gov’t Will Shrink Even More – Stuart Shapiro
Who Loves Minimum Wage Laws? Kiosk Makers – Art Carden
How the housing market is shifting as mortgages unlock – Bloomberg
JPMorgan’s Kelly: Only bear market ‘shock’ can upend tech – Bloomberg
Euro zone inflation eases to 2.5% as core print misses estimate – CNBC
Eurozone inflation slows to 2.5% – Financial Times
Eurozona: Baja la inflación, pero sigue por encima del objetivo del BCE – AP
Eurozona: El desempleo se mantuvo estable en mayo, en el 6,4% – AFP
German businesses break with postwar taboo to supply defence sector – FT
France’s Problem Is Not the “Far Right.” It Is Socialism. A Warning For All – Daniel Lacalle
Le Pen says she will seek to form government even if short of outright majority – FT
Greece becomes first EU country to introduce a six-day working week – CNBC
Hedge fund giants Citadel and Millennium post strong first-half gains – FT
Citadel, Millennium Extend Run of Returns With First Half Gains – Bloomberg
AI is changing banking, UBS executive says – Reuters
Global investment banks cut jobs in China retreat – FT
Ballmer Is Richer Than Gates, a First for Microsoft Billionaires – Bloomberg

Wealth Management

13 Charts On the Market’s Q2 Turnaround – Sarah Hansen
Modern Art, Political Polarization & Free Markets – Scott Sumner
Duelo de Fondos – Grandes fondos, pequeñas compañías – Citywire
ETFs de megatendencias y de gestión activa: el futuro de la gestión pasiva – EI
Perspectivas segundo semestre 2024: Tiempo de small caps – Mauricio Ríos García