Miércoles, 10 de julio de 2024

Economía Internacional

Salvadores por doquier – Carlos Rodríguez Braun
Brasil aboga por estabilidad para su inversión en Bolivia – El Deber
Argentina: Atención internacional a prueba tecnológica en salares – Reuters
Brazil Inflation Undershoots Forecasts After Pause to Rate Cuts – Bloomberg
Blacklisted and Muzzled, Maduro’s Top Rival Can’t Be Held Down – Bloomberg
U.S. Stock Futures Steady Ahead of Fed Chair’s Second Day of Remarks – WSJ
US futures hold near records with all eyes on Powell – Yahoo Finance
S&P Futures Signal Endurance to Rate-Fueled Rally – Bloomberg
Overpopulation: An Ancient Myth Refuted – Aidan Grogan
The S&P 493’s earnings recession is over – Yahoo Finance
Why the Next Recession Could Be Closer Than You Think – Dylan Smith
US Commercial Property Crash Is Set to Deepen the Pain Elsewhere – Bloomberg
The US economy faces a new threat – CNN Business
Biden Is Not Running the Government. So, Who Is? – Connor O’Keeffe
A big bank rally is about to be put to the test – Yahoo Finance
A Statistical Look at Ideal Age To Take Social Security – Keith Speights
Don’t “Reform” Social Security, Markets Already Privatized It – John Tamny
Why AI Will Eventually Destroy Ever Job That Exists – Richard Rahn
Left Wingers Have Beef With Cows Over Global Warming – Stephen Moore
Unchecked, Bidenomics Will Destroy America Dream – Rick Scott
OPEP mantiene previsiones de crecimiento de demanda para 2024 y 2025 – Reuters
La extrema izquierda francesa podría hundir la eurozona – Matthew Lynn
China threat: Appeasing authoritarians or dictators has never worked – Kyle Bass
El IPC de China se frena hasta el 0,2 % en junio

Wealth Management

Newsletter Julio 2024 – Cobas AM
Why Is Bitcoin Valuable? – Preston Art
No, It’s NOT Just Large-cap Tech – J.C. Parets
Value Investing In Cyclical Stocks – Joachim Klement
3 Soaring Stocks to Hold for the Next 20 Years – Motley Fool
Why Gold Is Intentionally Misunderstood – Matthew Piepenburg
June Jobs Report Confirms What the Market Knew – Market Minder
The Turn in North American Natural Gas is Here – Goehring & Rozencwajg
Carta Trimestral 2T24 de Iván Martín a los Inversores – Magallanes Value Investors
El nuevo panorama político de Francia para la economía y los mercados – Schroders
Fondos de capital privado: de estos polvos vendrán esos lodos – Víctor Alvargonzález