Martes, 17 de agosto de 2021

Economía Internacional

Bolivia: Deuda interna por bonos aumentó en Bs 1.711 MM en 2020 – Página Siete
Bolivia: Gobierno rechaza plan económico de la oposición – Página Siete
Colombia: Otra más sobre el peso colombiano – Alberto J. Bernal-León
Argentina: Alberto Fernández quiere hacer magia monetaria con criptomonedas – R. Cachanosky
En Brasil se privatizan las cárceles – Alberto Benegas Lynch (h)
Perú: El país no merece a Béjar de canciller – Editorial El Comercio
España: Más gasto e impuestos no implican menos desigualdad – Diego Sánchez
Cambio de ciclo inminente en bancos centrales: subidas de tipos a la vista – Bolsamanía
El final del ciclo se acerca: liquidación en las materias primas – El Economista
Por qué Afganistán colapsó de manera abrupta – Ted Galen Carpenter
Tragic Lockdowns Will Be Biden’x Next Afghanistan – Jeffrey Tucker
Taliban Stop Civilians From Entering Airport: Afghanistan Update – Bloomberg
China may align itself with Taliban and try to exploit Afghanistan’s rare earth metals – CNBC
Afghanistan Fallout Poses Problems for Biden’s Legislative Agenda – Barron’s
Kabul Has Fallen – But Don’t Blame Biden – Ron Paul
Biden blaming Afghanistan chaos on everyone but himself – Fox Business
Nearly 80 Percent of Americans Blame Biden for Inflation Surge – NY Post
50 Years Later, We’re Still Adjusting to Nixon’s Decision – Joe Calhoun
Closing the Gold Window — Fifty Years On – Peter C. Earle and William J. Luther
The End of the Sound Economy – Doug French
The Demise of the Gold Standard – Mark Thornton
The End Of The Gold Standard: Fifty Years Of Monetary Insanity – Daniel Lacalle
What are the biggest risks to the U.S. economy? – Focus Economics
What My Freshmen Students Will Learn About Economics – Donald Boudreaux
Mark Spitznagel’s Truly Excellent ‘Safe Haven’ – John Tamny
Palantir Invests in More SPAC Companies, and Buys $51 Million in Gold Bars – Barron’s
Berkshire Hathaway Cuts Stakes in Drugmakers, GM – Barron’s
Bill Ackman’s SPAC sued, will face off against former SEC commissioner – CNBC
La tecnología china cae un 40% por la amenaza regulatoria – El Economista
Ark Invest’s Cathie Wood Hits Back At ‘Big Short’ Investor – Forbes
Cathie Wood Hits Back at Michael Burry, Says China Turmoil Boosts U.S. Tech – Bloomberg
Cathie Wood Responds To Michael Burry: You Just Don’t Get Space & Innovation – Zero Hedge

Wealth Management

The New Monetary System Will Fail Too – Egon von Greyerz
Wall Street’s CFA Program Is a Colossal Waste of Time – Jared Dillian
Solo el 27% de los gestores cree que la economía crecerá – Funds People
Perspectivas macroeconómicas sobre China – Andy Rothman, Matthews Asia
Soros sale de las empresas chinas del Nasdaq y otros fondos lo siguen – Cotizalia
Invertir en China: cuidado con la imprevisibilidad de Beijing – Brooke Masters
Wealth Managers And Their Clients Wait Nervously For The Tax Hikes – Forbes