Viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2023

Economía Internacional

El desafío de la confesión de Arce sobre el gas: ¿liquidar o privatizar YPFB? – Mauricio Ríos García
Bolivis: Falta el mea culpa – Humberto Vacaflor Ganam
Bolivia: 27,5% de industria que usa gas prevé cambiar de fuente de energía – El Deber
Bolivia: Depósitos cayeron y créditos PYME cayeron 5% y 10%: Asoban – Brújula Digital
Siete mitos sobre la dolarización en América Latina – Gabriela Calderón, Daniel Raisbeck
Argentina: Dolarizar, el controvertido remedio milagroso del candidato Milei – AFP
Brasil: La economía se desacelera al 0,9% en el segundo trimestre – AFP
Brasil: Economía crece un 0,9% en el segundo trimestre, supera previsiones – Reuters
Brazil Economic Growth Blows Past Forecasts in Win for Lula
– Bloomberg
Mexico Peso Sinks After Central Bank Says It’ll Cut Currency Hedge Program
– Bloomberg
World’s Biggest Interest Rate Cuts Are Chile’s Prize for Taming Inflation
– Bloomberg
Stocks open higher after surprise rise in unemployment – Yahoo Finance
Stocks Rise as Jobs Report Fuels Fed-Peak Wagers: Markets Wrap
– Bloomberg
Unemployment highest since Feb. ’22 as labor cooldown continues – Yahoo Finance
Roubini Warns Stocks Risk 10% Drop as Stagflation Worries Mount
– Bloomberg
August jobs report ‘close to perfect’ for Fed – Yahoo Finance
EEUU: Tasa de desempleo sube tres décimas en agosto hasta el 3,8 % – EFE
The New Bank Bailout – Alex J. Pollock, Paul H. Kupiec
Inflation is Back on Target – William J. Luther 
Inflation Is Rising Again, and Bidenomics Is Still To Blame – The New York Post
Clarifying and Justifying Rothbard’s Definition of Inflation – Mousten, Newman
La inflación no es culpa de las empresas – Manuel Llamas
EEUU: Oro sube por por posible pausa de la Fed tras datos de empleo – Reuters
July PCE: Last Hurrah For Consumer Spending? – Richard Moody
How a CBDC Created Chaos and Poverty in Nigeria – Jan M. Fijor
What the Central Bank Cartel has Planned for You – Thorsten Polleit
Why ‘Cheap Labor’ Is the Most Expensive Labor of All – John Tamny
Vivek Ramaswamy on Corporations Trying to Save the World – Richard Morrison
Canada’s Economy Unexpectedly Shrinks, Supporting Rate Pause
– Bloomberg
Saudi Crude Oil Exports Plummet as OPEC Giant Slashes Production
– Bloomberg
Beware Especially of Claims Made By Politicians – Donald J. Boudreaux
Reconstructing White House C19 Talk on 3/10/20 – Jeffrey Tucker
The High Cost Of Biden’s Price Controlled Drugs – Ronald Bailey
UK economy surpassed pre-COVID size in late 2021, new data shows – Reuters
UK House Prices Fall the Most in 14 Years, Nationwide Says
– Bloomberg
Morgan Stanley Says ECB Rate Hikes Are Over
– Bloomberg
European Stocks Rally as US Jobs Data Reassures
– Bloomberg
Italia: El PIB retrocedió un 0,4% en el segundo trimestre – AFP
Alemania: El sector manufacturero sigue en recesión en agosto – PMI – Reuters
Alemania: El PMI sube un punto pero sigue en terreno de recesión – EI
Japan: Demand Turns Positive in Inflationary Signal for BOJ
– Bloomberg
China: Banco Popular inyecta ¥101.000 millones para mantener liquidez – EI
Is China’s Presently Weak Economy a “Ticking Time Bomb”? – Nick Marsh
China’s Major Banks Cut Deposit Rates to Protect Profitability
– Bloomberg
China Ramps Up Campaign to Boost Fragile Economy, Currency
– Bloomberg
China Uses Another Tool to Aid Yuan in String of Market Support
– Bloomberg
¿Por qué China no ha salido al rescate de su economía? – Zhang Jun

Wealth Management

Avoid Trendy Economics – Scott Sumner
A Passively Dangerous Mania – Bill Smead
15 Strongest Post-Election Stock Markets – Brad Chastain
Charts Don’t Support Debt Crisis Theory – Chris Ciovacco
¿Por qué los inversores recurren a un asesor? – Samantha Lamas
A Recession Is Coming In The Next 6 Months – David Rosenberg
Two Fresh Signs of Receding Froth In the Market – Market Minder
‘Soft Landings’ Are Another Fake Economic Notion – Jeffrey Snider
Count On A LOT Of Pain Before The Fed Pivots – Stephanie Pomboy
Markets Peaked, Here’s How To Survive What’s Next – Peter Grandich
The Stage Is Set for September’s Stock Market Rebound – Luke Lango
August Employment May Be More Noise Than Signal – Richard Moody
¿’Aterrizaje suave’ de EEUU? La economía se enfrenta a 3 retos – UBS AM
Is the US Banking System a House of Cards Waiting to Topple? – Doug French