Jueves, 8 de octubre de 2020

Economía Internacional

Cepal: Bolivia se contraerá 5,2% y Latinoamérica retrocederá 10 años – Los Tiempos
Brasil: Bolsonaro da por culminada la operación Lava Jato – América
Ecuador: Mauricio Pozo, nuevo ministro de Finanzas América Economía
Carstens advierte sobre bancarrotas en gobiernos – Economía Hoy
Fed: Si los estímulos llegan tarde la recuperación será lenta – Economía Hoy
Guindos: El BCE todavía tiene munición si la pandemia se agrava – El Economista
U.S.-China relations will ‘reset’ if Biden wins the election – CNBC
OPEC cuts long-term forecast for oil demand growth – CNBC
Why is the United States Trying to Shut Down Huawei? – CNBC
Square buys $50 million in bitcoin – CNBC
Bitcoin Jumps After Square Investment – Zero Hedge
A Tesla bull makes a bold call: the stock can triple in price – Market Watch
Why is the United States Trying to Shut Down Huawei? – John Tamny
Antitrust Advertises Ignorance with Its Badgering of Facebook – John Tamny
Vatican used charity funds to bet on Hertz credit derivatives – FT
Vatican Used Donation Money To Fund Extremely Risky Bet On Hertz Credit Derivatives – Zero Hedge

Wealth Management

Islas Caimán salen de lista de jurisdicciones no cooperantes de la UE – Funds Society
Ray Dalio: Cash, not a safe investment – Market Watch
Maybe Low Interest Rates Won’t Last Forever – Peter R. Orszag
Here’s the real cost of stock splits that Buffett knows – Market Watch
World’s biggest sovereign-wealth fund wants to rid itself of poor ESG performers – Market Watch