Martes, 27 de junio de 2023

Economía Internacional

Bolivia: Índice de Precios al Productor sube 3,6% a 12 meses: agro afligido – Los Tiempos
Bolivia: Gobierno posterga un año más la certificación de reservas de gas – Página Siete
Brazil’s Central Bank Sees Chance of Rate Cut in August – Bloomberg
Chile: Reforma de pensiones, otra iniciativa destinada al fracaso – Tomás Flores
Chile: Apuestas de recorte de tasa alimentarán emisiones corporativas de bonos – Bloomberg
El Salvador: Asamblea aprueba emisión de $1.000 MM en deuda de corto plazo – Bloomberg
¿Se ganó la batalla contra la inflación? Aún no – The New York Times
Venezuela, Bolivia y Guatemala tienen el mayor deterioro por corrupción – Infobae
Effects of government corruption on democratic republics – Richard W. Rahn
Argentina Election’s Rightward Shift Spurs Investor Optimism – Bloomberg
Argentina: La pobreza estructural y los nueve millones de planes sociales – Adrián Ravier
Argentina: Los abruptos giros del electorado hacen imprevisible la economía – R. Cachanosky
Stocks look to rebound after run of losses – Yahoo Finance
US Stock Futures Rise as Traders Focus on Growth
– Bloomberg
A U.S. recession is coming this year, HSBC warns — with Europe to follow in 2024 – CNBC
Hitting ‘reset’ on the US recession countdown – Yahoo Finance
Ramaswamy on CBDC – Alexander William Salter
The Bank of England’s Big Decision on Digital Currency – Bloomberg
El FMI aprieta al BCE – Morningstar
ECB must persist with high rates to ward off wage-price spiral, says Lagarde – Financial Times
Lagarde says inflation still too high in euro area, cannot declare victory yet – CNBC
Italy’s Salvini Says ECB Rate Hiking Is ‘Nonsense and Dangerous’ – Bloomberg
Do Boycotts Really Work? Another Look at the Bud Light Situation – Connor Mortell
Radical Decentralization was the Key to the West’s Rise to Wealth and Freedom – Ryan McMaken
Is Social Justice the Progressive Equivalent of Rent-Seeking Behavior? – Jeffery Marshall
Mercantilist and Monarchial Origins of the Concept of the ‘Balance of Trade’ – Don Boudreaux 
Russia and its propagandists strive for normality after Wagner uprising – Financial Times
Russia drops uprising charges and says Wagner will hand over weapons – Financial Times
China censors financial blogger as economic recovery falters – Financial Times

Wealth Management

Energy Stocks Have Had a Rough Year. These 5 Are Thriving – Barron’s
¿Qué significa el ETF de Bitcoin de Blackrock para las criptos? – Morningstar
Los 10 errores más comunes que se cometen al invertir en un ETF – FlexFunds
Seth Klarman on investing: Look for the most inefficient pockets in the world – CNBC
Seth Klarman explains why he avoids crypto yet has a Coinbase investment – CNBC
Por qué ahora la renta variable europea debe estar en tu cartera – Frederik Nøkleby Weber
Only A Matter Of Time Before Economy Collapses, Fed Will Be ‘Forced’ To Do This – Alfonso Peccatiello