Martes, 3 de agosto de 2021

Economía Internacional

¿Hacia dónde va Perú? – Juan Ramón Rallo
Perú: Jefe del BCRP es considerado para seguir en el cargo – América Economía
Nicaragua: Ortega oficializa candidatura para un cuarto mandato – América Economía
Argentina: Todo lo que tiene para ofrecer el populismo K – Roberto Cachanosky
Argentina: El blue se mantiene más de $ 10 por encima del solidario – El Cronista
Brazil court-ordered govt payments could hit 2022 budget like a “meteor” – Investing
El Salvador: IMF warns on crypto as national currency ahead of launch – FT
Let’s Not Repeat the Same Mistakes With the Delta Variant – Ethan Yang
Oil Falls a Second Day With Delta’s Spread Threatening Demand – Bloomberg
Germany Sends Warship To Contested South China Sea For First Time In 2 Decades – Zero Hedge
American Highways Should Cause Even Keynesians to Blush – John Tamny
IMF Nations Approve Record $650 Billion to Aid Virus Fight – Yahoo Finance
Economists fear Europe’s recovery could be derailed by one key issue – CNBC
Inflation pressure to test Bank of England’s patience at key meeting – CNBC
The Dangers of Endless Quantitative Easing – Raghuram G. Rajan
Fed’s Waller Says September Taper Call May Be Warranted – Yahoo Finance
Why did Q2 GDP miss expectations? Is the economy slowing down? – Steve Hanke
Covid Policy and Outcomes – Gerald P. O’Driscoll, Jr. 
Will the U.S. Regulate Crypto? New SEC Boss Wants More Oversight – Bloomberg
Crypto Investors Get Ready for More Taxes — but Clearer Rules – Bloomberg
How Much is the Rule of Law Worth to Markets? – Barry Ritholtz
China’s Tencent imposes controls to tackle gaming addiction among children – FT
Tencent Stock Is Sliding. Regulators Could Target ‘Spiritual Opium’ – Barron’s
Ray Dalio: Inversores han malinterpretado afán regulatorio de China – El Economista
Ray Dalio: Investors have misconstrued China’s crackdown as anti-capitalist – CNBC
Fake Economic Growth And Stealthy Government Default – Peter Schiff
Goldman mints billions through business it is looking to shrink – Financial Times
Four Cheers for Space-Travelling Billionaires – Peter C. Earle

Wealth Management

Protección ante inflación – Materias primas – Miguel Ángel Rico
Los valores de megacapitalización caen en picado – Charles Castillo
¿Puede China tumbar los mercados financieros? – Alejandro Coll
AzValor ‘se cuela’ en la guerra familiar de los Entrecanales – El Confidencial
Informe All Seasons Momentum Julio +1,50%. Volvemos a zarpar – Hugo Ferrer
Cuáles son las empresas donde Bill Gates invierte su fortuna – Ámbito
¿Cómo Garantizar la Sucesión en la Empresa Familiar? – Fernando Nogales
How to Plan Ahead If You’re Expecting a Correction– Michael Sincere
The Fed May Soon Taper Its Bond Buying. What It Means for Stocks – Barron’s
3 Reasons Tesla Stock Is Currently Overvalued – Haris Anwar